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The Future of Cardiology: Technologies to Watch in 2019

Oct 18, 2018


Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, so cardiologists play a significant role in the health of our country. Thankfully, the outlook for the future is bright as new technologies and advancements in the field offer promises of progress. Advanced cardiology in Long Island, NY, will be keeping an eye on promising technologies and incorporating them into treatment plans as appropriate.

Here are a few of the things we'll be watching.

Artificial Intelligence

Cardiology clinics will be keeping a close eye on artificial intelligence (AI), which has the potential to change many things in our world, including health care. Areas in which AI is anticipated to help advance the cardiovascular field and facilitate improvements in interventional cardiology include:

  • Drug discovery and development—AI is being used to search for patterns in molecular biology, structure function, and clinical trial databases to refine the selection of potential therapies.
  • Precision medicine—AI has the ability to quickly integrate information from various sources (patient's health records, data from wearables, social media, etc.). It can assess genetic information, lifestyle, and environment, and then develop models and determine interventions to benefit specific patients.
  • Remote monitoring—AI has the capability to evaluate billions of bytes of data collected via wearable devices and quickly identify actionable data.
  • Improved efficiencies—When AI can handle routine, repetitive tasks, providers are freed to focus on more complex patient care and important human interactions.

Patient-Generated Data

Wearable devices have the potential to measure everything from heart rate, heart rhythms, and blood pressure, to physical activity, sleep patterns, and more. The availability of patient-generated health data also gives health care providers a way to better understand their patient populations. The information gathered yields insights that can help determine whether or not interventional cardiology services may be needed.


Cardiology centers anticipate new treatment options for structural heart diseases will become available as more information about heart failure patients is collected and analyzed. 

Cost and Value

Cardiovascular disease is the costliest disease in the U.S. because of its high prevalence; the high use of technology, such as imaging and devices; and the cost of medications. Clinicians and patients have to factor in the cost of drugs when determining treatment strategies. Increasing competition combined with the analysis of clinical data is expected to help drive down some costs. As new and effective noninvasive procedures arise, costs can be reduced significantly.  

Expect cardiovascular professionals to work with policymakers and third-party payers to revise, update, or create reimbursement structures that favor evidence-based innovation and don't penalize providers who adopt new technologies that are better for patients.

The pace of innovation and advancements in cardiology provide opportunities for providers of advanced cardiology in Long Island, NY, to make more insightful decisions for their patients with better outcomes. If you're experiencing symptoms that may require coronary care, contact Peconic Bay Medical Center.